An audio-recording of Wilt or Stray aired as part of Valentino Assenza's Howl Open Mic on CIUT Radio (89.5 FM, Toronto, Canada). The hour-long program was broadcast on Tuesday, July 30, 2024.
Here's the link to the recorded show. Wilt or Stray makes an appearance at minute 47.25 --
And here's the poem. It first appeared in Poetry Bus.
Wilt or Stray
I am incredibly lucky --
even this haze knows it
even my useless gaze says so
in every way.
To be where I am now
living like this
is like cherries on a branch.
In fact I’m not nearly grateful enough
for this mud and for its reasons.
Not thankful enough for fences blown down
or kinked hoses.
No I don’t deserve peaches.
In fact I need to tip my hat in love and honor
to every buzzing swarm that’s coming at me
or to any wilt or stray.
And I should surely thank my lucky stars
my blessings
for what last night
had its way
with the row of beans
out back in the garden.
