Catch your drift - prince charming hunky dude 😎and kudos
Hiram Larew
May 02, 2023
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Thanks, Joseph, for your note. Here's to poetry! Hiram
Linda Dickman
May 01, 2023
For me, this is a very different Hiram. This poem makes one stand up and notice, and search street corners for this vision. But wait. He is with us every single day. And using his superpowers for good.
Hiram Larew
May 01, 2023
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Thanks, Linda. You're an inspiration!
T. A. Niles
May 01, 2023
You are so very right about my getting a kick out of this Hiram! And your reading has reached new heights! Beautiful piece and tremendous reading of it! 👏
Hiram Larew
May 01, 2023
Replying to
Gracias, my friend, for this and other postings.
edward mycue
May 01, 2023
I get tipsy reading your remarkable harmonious word paintings. Hiram Larewisms are unfolding rainbows.
Edward Mycue
Hiram Larew
May 01, 2023
Replying to
Dear Ed -- You keep blazing the trails for the rest of us. HGL
Catch your drift - prince charming hunky dude 😎and kudos
For me, this is a very different Hiram. This poem makes one stand up and notice, and search street corners for this vision. But wait. He is with us every single day. And using his superpowers for good.
You are so very right about my getting a kick out of this Hiram! And your reading has reached new heights! Beautiful piece and tremendous reading of it! 👏
I get tipsy reading your remarkable harmonious word paintings. Hiram Larewisms are unfolding rainbows.
Edward Mycue