My gratitude to Editor Jeffrey Spahr-Summers for publishing Put Down for Later (below) in Issue #2 of Jasper's Folly Poetry Journal. And, for re-publishing Achill Sound in the same issue.
Put Down for Later
As simple as they look
All of the words here are buckets of complicated
That you and I spit in
For all that we know
And if a mumble or rust spot
Of this or that starts leaking
Then so be it
The words will go everywhere
Into nights that spill over their ditches
And what’s scribbled or handled
As precious
May get tossed out for good
As easy as it seems
What happens always
And right here is a mess-spill
Of lines that muddy all findings
Or even slop to
So take care
And look out for
Night to day or far and wide
Whenever lip-wetted pencils
Start diving in
