Issue 23 of 100subtext Magazine, edited by UK's John Hopper, includes more than 200 pages of poetry. Three of Larew's poems appear -- Fob, Rameau's Blink and Inlets (pages 122-127).
Here's the last stanza from Rameau's Blink --
And just so you know
Instead of grumbling about this and that
I’m going to bake the squeeze out
of pies
by turning knobs up way past who cares
Or I may go curdle what’s left over
and pucker it tart
just like this morning.
Here's the link for ordering a copy of Issue 23 -- 100subtexts magazine 23 - Payhip

Groovy great Hiram Larew poems beat the heat and come forward with cooling smiles to give heart-breaths. Edward Mycue